Se preferir visitar-nos pode fazê-lo na nossa quinta.
Loja Física:
Quinta do Piri-Piri, Vale Carro, Olhos de Água - Albufeira - Portugal
Horário da Loja:
9h-13h : 14,30-17h
Nível/Level - 7/10
ENG - This year make the dragon dance on your palace!
DRAGUONS, a Molho Molho hot sauce with Mala Boom flavors.
Mala Boom and Molho Molho team up to celebrate the Year of the Dragon and Valentine's Day = Let's Drag! We offer you Mala Molho, a spicy smoked sauce made from habanero peppers, notes of sesame and above all a good dose of Mala Boom spices again and always sourced from @nomie.spices.
Available at Mala Boom Paris and on our website.
270,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units): well it’s the year of the dragon, it has to burn!
Ingredients: Organic Habaneros peppers, rice vinegar, smoked paprika, sesame paste, miso soy, garlic, MALA BOOM secret spices, salt, organic xanthan gum.
Valores Nutricionais / Nutrition:
Valor energético / Energy Kcal | Kcal/100g | 31 |
Valor energético / Energy KJ | Kj/100g | 127 |
Lípidos / Fat | g/100g | <1,0 |
Ácidos Gordos saturados / Saturated fats | g/100g | < 1.0 |
Hidratos de carbono / Carbohydrates | g/100g | 4,8 |
Açucares Totais / Sugarsg/ | g/100g | 2,8 |
Proteínas / Protein | g/100g | <1,0 |
Sal /Salt | g NaCl / 100g | 1,2 |
Fibra |
g/100g | - |
Se preferir visitar-nos pode fazê-lo na nossa quinta.
Horário da Loja:
9h-13h : 14,30-17h